Sunday, April 20, 2008

Home Improvements

Celeste has been a busy bee updating the house. Take a gander.

And a couple videos of Brooklyn.


Unknown said...

if only we all could be easily amused at Brad hitting his head against the wall.

It is so nice being a baby, huh? I can't wait till ya'll come down! I am going to be off that whole week so we can party hard! Love it love it love it!

Tracie said...

You guys hated it! or maybe just because I picked it! It was a tough year for that merry miss/blazer rivalry.

Megan said...

Love the videos! So cute! Little Brooklyn walking!

Julie said...

That's why all of the kids love tha Baillios, they'll even hurt themselves to entertain.

Spitzer Family said...

I love getting your book reviews! Gives me some good ideas, I don't think I will be picking up the robotics books. . . :) Your place looks great! Too fun! I want paint on my walls-someday!

Tiffany said...

Clarissa loved the video of Brad and Brooklyn running into the wall. She is ready to watch it for the 3rd time.

Lindsay said...

the house looks great, celeste - you're a talented woman! hope your head's okay, brad, but that sure is a cute laugh! she's getting so big!

Aqualung said...

Now I know why Celeste kept bumping her head into the doors at our house this last week. She missed Brad and the headaches helped her remember him.

David said...

It's amazing what a dad will do to get a laugh out of his daughter.