The Big News:Well after all the lies, teasings, April Fools jokes, and false program bios, THIS IS THE TRUTH!! Celeste and Brad Baillio are PREGNANT! May 28th is when the little guy is expected to shows its head, and his name will be Noah. It can not be a girl because no name can be agreed on. And as for the parents they have a new appreciation for goverenment aided programs. Brad and Celeste have been trying for 8 months and are soo excited!!!!

The Medium News: Brad and Celeste got cast as the romantic leads in "Urinetown the Musical." Do not be scared of the title. It takes place in a gotham-like city, where there is a water shortage and people have to pay to use the public bathrooms. Bobby Strong(Brad)leads a revolution against an evil company, and falls in love with the boss's daughter Hope Cladwell(Celeste). Anyone who wants to fly out to Illinois to see it, they have a brand new futon!!!!

The little news: Celeste got a part-time job at the Sears Hearing Aid Center!!! Not the cell phone kind, the old person kind. And boy is she excited to use her theater degree that took her 5 years to complete. She'll be using lots of diction and articulation. OHh Goody!
Hooray!! I'm so excited for you guys!! Do you really feel like it's a boy? And congrats on the play--it's a good thing Brad will be there to make sure that Celeste doesn't dance around too much! I miss and love you!
Oh my. Congrats! Wow... that is going to be the cutest baby of all time.
This is tasha by the way. I love you buddy!
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! I love hearing aids! Congrats on the new job, Celeste!
I hate my job, so hopefully you won't hate yours. I think I am going to quit and be a para educator or something.
I am so excited for you two.
A baby a baby a baby! I can't wait. Noah is a fantastic name. I can just picture the quilt for Noah.
Bout time, you two love birds! Hoorah! Do take pics of the burdgening (sp) bellio. (That's pretty clever. Did you see how I took "belly" and "Baillio" and put them together like that.)
Plus, Urinetown is probably Anthony's favorite musical and it ranks pretty high up there with me too.
I'm so excited for you two! Best of luck with everything and enjoy every moment! :)
wow, holy moly!! that is great. we are so proud of you!! noah and sam are good bible names!!
we love you!!
Congratulations you guys! We miss you so so much!
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