I've said it before in previous posts, but Heroscape has become my new official hobby. I like the game so much. It's not just a fun game to play with the family and friends, but a creative outlet away from the stressful semester responsibilities.
This weekend, to quote a friend, I completely crossed the line into nerd-dom. I went online to HSCodex.com and found some sweet instructions on how to build your own custom bridge. The creator's original design was a samurai bridge, which looked amazing. My craft skills aren't up to par, so I just went with the basics. Still, I thought it turned out pretty well, and I can't wait to use it.
My next project will have to be either homemade trees, derelict buildings, or some other line-of-sight blocker.
Enjoy the pics!
Yup, I was right. Nerd-dom. Just in time for spring break, too.
I can't wait to play with you guys!
Poor Celeste. At least your kids will think you're cool. At least until they get to middle school or high school and realize what a nerd you are because you play all of the games that the nerds at their schools play.
Brad- I love your dry brushing technique
No one leaving a positive comment? Brad the bridge is awesome. It does so much to change the stratagy of the game. Nothing like a big guy straddling the middle and taking it to the next level. We'll email you a pick we have of 3 knights doing their charge attack across my neighbors bridge. Keep it up.
So, who's the bigger geek--you for having that bridge thingy or me for not knowing what the HECK you're talking about?!
Brad, I am very intrigued by this hero thingy....perhaps you could bring an extra suitcase filled with all the stuff when you come to Malibu!
You are a man obsessed! But I can't wait to see the derelict buildings....let women do their crafts in RS....men have heroscape bridges to build!
Way cool bridge, I can't wait to see what incredible creative maze you design to thwart the power of the Hulk or Superman. (Insert evil laugh)
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