Friday afternoon, about the time we hit Ohio (4 hours into the 18 hour drive), I felt the car lurching, or sputtering every so often. It felt like it happened more when we went uphill, but I wasn't too sure about what was going on. After another hour, we were feeling much stronger sputters and then one big one and the 'check engine' light came on. We started getting worried then.
Now I used to drive a beat up car a few years ago. It would sputter a lot too. So I wasn't terribly worried. I felt the car at least wouldn't explode on us. But we weren't sure it would take us safely the other 13 hours to our destination. So, we decided to forge onward another 3 hours to Kirtland, OH. We arrived at 5 or 6 in the evening, right when everything was closing up for the day. We were all pretty beat, especially poor old Dad who drove the whole time! and poor little Brooklyn who had to sit in her car seat the entire time! :( So Mom went out to the store and to see about the car. She was able to get it checked out, and it was just a misfire on a piston. So they reset the 'check engine' light and we were solid! Huzzah! It must have been the added spiritual bonus of being in Kirtland that saved the day for us.

In Albany Sunday morning, we went to two sacrament meetings. Celeste served her mission in this area for a while, so she was hoping to see some familiar faces. Well, the nine o'clock meeting wasn't as successful. But in the eleven o'clock meeting we struck gold! She saw so many people from her mission, including this great family she found and taught. They are the super strength to that branch now. About 4 different people got up to share their testimonies, and talked mostly about Celeste. It was a super spiritual high for her, and an emotional time for me as well. I was able to see Celeste through her converts' eyes and love her as they did. We finished church at 12:00 and drove another 3 hours to Boston. We made it! Finally!

That's so cool! We did church history stuff last week too and it is so awesome! I love the spirit in places like that.
We're glad you made it to Boston, but I way bummed we didn't get to see you before you left. This summer just won't be the same without you...
Later Ballios,
Ok, um I think it's time for you to come back now...
Sheesh - how come I never get to go to really cool church history sites where Jesus has walked....
Hope you are finding Boston fun! Love you all ;)
Glad you made it safely. I hope you have a fun time in Boston. I'm sure you will, we loved it!
That is so cool that y'all got to do all that, just on your way to Boston! I know how you felt Brad, about the mission and seeing how the people love Celeste. That's how it was for me too when we went to Mexico and met some people from Kyle's mission. How fun guys!
So exciting, what a wonderful experience. Enjoy Boston, Will and I were married in the Boston Temple and spent our honeymoon in Boston, its a wonderful city :)
It looks like Brooklyn is having a pretty cool spiritual revelation. Hey-you don't know, she can't talk. Sounds like a fun trip!
Your blog brought tears to my eyes remembering taking our kids to Kirkland and "The Sacred Grove" when they were kids. It is a treasured memory. Seeing those people at Albany must also have been a sweet experience. It is good to occassionally look back and see how our lives can impact the world for good.
That sounds like an awesome trip. What a wonderful thing to see people you brought into the gospel, still active and happy. Great pics. Hope you have a great summer.
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