So the last few weeks have been mostly uneventful. It's that November lull, when things quiet down right before the storm of the Holiday Season. Now that it is Fall Break at the University, things will start to ramp up in intensity. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then two weeks of school, final papers, last homework assignments, and then final exams. And I'll be done with another semester. And then begins the craziness of Christmas. So, maybe it's a good thing that we're in a lull. Time to enjoy the relaxation of nothing going on.
A few key occurances in the last few weeks...
Brooklyn upgraded to the bathtub! She loves it so much. :)

Brad got Guitar Hero III, and Super Mario Galaxy.
He loves it so much. :)

Celeste got sick. She hated it so much. :(
Congratulations to you all (except celeste - I unfortunately can relate). We are going to have to play your Wii for FHE activity! I think that's a grand idea.
How can there be a lull with a new baby, a sick wife, all that homework, and seminary. You must be a glutton for punishment. Enjoy the lulls.
brad, i am so jealous that you have already beaten super mario galaxy!!! i'll just claim that i have 3 kids and don't have the time. yeah, that'll work for an excuse because we all know that i ROCK at super mario! lol!
celeste...i hope you feel better. mommies don't get sick days. :(
Make sure and bring Mario for Christmas, I'd like to try it.
okay brad...i'm stuck at the first bowser. i can't figure out how to beat him. can you help!?!?!? email me at when you get a chance please. thanks!
sounds like everyone is least there was a lull! I am studying over thanksgiving break because the hurricane hits in a week! Miss you lots
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